Sometimes I forget I’m not in my world anymore. This is some paranormal, magical, house of little horrors, isn’t it?
Alright, I’ve thought it over and there isn’t much I can do. Technically speaking, I’m only one person
(Am I a person? Do people have health bars?), and I have no weapons, help, or experience in close range
combat. I would have no hope against an enemy if they did leave that room. I’d get beaten up to the
point there I couldn’t move- I’m straying off again, aren’t I?
Honestly, none of this explains my decision to help the creature escape from behind the door. This is
just a gut feeling I can’t seem to go against. Perhaps I’m just lonely and having someone (or something)
else could be beneficial. Anyway, despite all the signs saying I’d lose a fight, that’s only in the
possibility that I’ll have to battle for my life. What if the creature behind the door is here to help
me? There’s no surety, but what can I say? I’m willing to take the chance.
I start in the direction of the rooms, with slow steps. Mentally, I’ve made my decision, but something’s
still slowing me down and asking me to rethink everything. I can’t tell what is, but I’m not going to
let it stop me. I speed up my steps, and stop right outside the door the noise seems to be coming from.
Ah… it’s much quieter now. Can this thing sense my presence or something?
It takes me a second to realise everything’s changed. In the place where five rooms stood in a
U formation with one at the centre and two on either side, the shape has shifted to some kind of
irregular shape. Where five uniform, bright red painted doors stood, there are now multicoloured glass
doors that seem impossible to see through. How? The whole infrastructure of this side of the house has
shifted completely… is that even supposed to be possible?
Ah, I sometimes forget I’m not in my world anymore. This is some paranormal, magical, house of little
horrors, isn’t it?
I should just give up on trying to understand what’s happening. The door I’m standing in front of has
large blobs of different colours covering its surface, but mostly twisted purple ones that fade into
black, with a dull matte black door handle with a single keyhole for a skeleton key. I wonder what that
means. Does purple have some sort of symbolic meaning? I close my eyes, and take a deep breath, and try
to focus on what’s behind the door. Whatever loud noise was coming has slowed to calm scraping at the
door; much like a dog would do, waiting for its human to come home from outdoors. Maybe it’s a little
pet to keep me company here? That would be nice. Somehow, I don’t think it is. I don’t know, maybe
another gut feeling. There’s been too many of those today already, I’m sick of it.
I’m not sure how exactly to help bring the door down. Do I try to kick it down or something? Oh,
something’s glowing over my head again. I tilt my neck and strain upwards to see what the words read
now. Everything’s the same, except the words ‘POWERUPS: ALL EQUIPPED” shifts to a bright yellow
‘POWERUPS: SUPER STRENGTH’. Whoa, is this because I thought about kicking the door down, and now I have
super strength to do that? That’s so cool!
With my newfound energy, I attempt to knock down the door by kicking it. Though it shudders from the
force I used, it doesn’t leave even the smallest of cracks in the glass. Seriously, did these guys
manufacture bulletproof glass for this? Ah, well then. Brute force isn’t the way. What else do we have?
Oh. The key.
I whip the key out from my pocket, the same old one, and jam it into the door’s keyhole and jerk around
hastily. This has to work, right?
I don’t even notice that the sound stopped entirely after my first attack on the door.
The door miraculously opens, and swings inward with force. I just freeze for a second, and realise how
dumb my idea really was. What did I just do? What if there’s a monster waiting somewhere to kill me? I’m
too lost in questions to realise there’s nothing behind the door, but I see it opens up into a much
larger room than the one I had woken up in. I walk in and pull my arms around myself, the only form of
protection I have right now.
I turn a corner, and I hear someone yelling right into my ear. Wait, what? A person? I yell right back
in surprise, until both of us look at each other then stop to catch our breath. The person in front of
me is a good three inches taller than me, and she’s decked out in some ancient-looking Nordic armour
studded with pale yellow gemstones, that covers her from neck down till her toes, leaving nowhere for
her to possibly gain an injury in battle. Her voluminous blonde hair stretches from her head all the way
to her elbows, and with her bright blue eyes and incredible facial structure, she might be the most
gorgeous person I’ve ever seen.
“Who- who are you? What’s your name?’ I ask slowly and carefully, so as to not potentially anger her.
She looks powerful enough to end me with no effort at all.
I never get to hear her voice. Instead, a bubble pops up over her head with something written inside of
‘im xXPhoenixX, who ru?’
xXPhoenixX? I can’t tell if that’s an exotic new name or just plain strange. What are people even naming
their kids these days?
Another bubble popped up. ‘whats ur name?’
It takes me a second to realise I have absolutely no idea what my name is. The realisation strikes like
a brick wall, but I have no time to even think it over. A huge white box pops up in front of me before I
can think of anything.
“Enter Username: ____________”
Author’s note: An extra long chapter this time to make up for the previously short one~ This edition they’re less of options and more of suggestions, what do you think our character’s username should be? Reach out to us on Instagram, Twitter , Discord, eMail or our comment section below to share your ideas and thoughts about the story with us!
Perhaps, someday, another hero, or maybe even the same one...
Since Joy and the other gods lost the battle, there has not been peace anywhere in the world. Evil rules
through her tyranny. Without the king of the gods, the world is plunged into chaos. Confidence serves as
the enforcer of rules made by Evil, whipping those who mutiny and rebel. She makes those who disobey her
rules starve and go mad by hunger and thirst. Moral has been named the acting king of the gods. But
there are not many gods to be king of. Most of them have mutinied and gone over to the dark side,
serving the queen, Evil. Only Moral’s wife and son stay with him to support him. The world as we knew it
has perished. Perhaps, someday, another hero, or even the same one, will restore peace and tranquillity
to the world.
Tune in the next edition to read the sequel of The Chronicles Of Joy!
The End